PDF Step-by Step Instructions
PDF format for reference as you go through the courses 

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Step by Step instructions and HELPFUL HINTS 
for taking the PDF courses and state exam
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HELPFUL HINTS for taking the PDF courses and state exam in Printable Word Doc ​

Benefits of PDF Format

  • "The main benefit of taking the courses in PDF format is that you have them on your computer, and don't have to carry around multiple textbooks.

  • "Having the textbooks in downloadable PDF format makes it much more convenient; you can access them any time, any where on your computer, and do not have to be online to access them after the initial download."

  • A PDF course allows you to download and view the materials in Adobe's PDF format. - (Not all of our courses are printable)"

  • Course final exams must be proctored

Helpful hints for taking the courses

​From a former student, Taylor C.
"For the most part, I remember the test covering
  • Law of agency and the laws surrounding becoming and being a real estate agent. (Laws, definitions, and nature of agency relationships)
  • Creation,Disclosure, and Termination of Agency and Agency agreements
  • There were some on the differences and definitions of actual property, real estate, fixtures, (legal property descriptions, real v. personal property)
  • There were some on Liens, easements, and encroachments. They are basically definition based but may describe a situation and ask you which one it is.
  • Forms of Ownership
  • Types of Estates
  • Deeds and Restrictions
  • Different types of appraising and valuation (Sales Comparison, Replacement Cost, Summation approach, Income Approach) and basic appraisal terminology
  • Types of Loans
  • IMPORTANT - LTV ratios, mortgage insurance (PMI), Lender requirements, equity, qualifying borrowers, loan application procedures."

  • "Contract law-validity, types of invalid contracts, requirements for validity, assignment, novation, etc....KEY terms....the test is largely definition based.
  • Also, law of contracts and promulgated contracts. Mainly the standard one to four family, and the HUD-1 form
  • A couple questions about protected classes and the Civil Rights Act, Fair Housing Act...
  • Lien Theory v. Title Theory
  • Important to know about FHA and VA government loans
  • Financing and credit laws (Truth in Lending, RESPA, Equal Credit Opp. act...
  • Primary market v. secondary market
  • I remember a question or two about hazardous waste, toxic mold, and environmental hazards and the laws regarding them"

"Memorize the calculations for valuation:
  • Comparitive Market Analysis (CMA)
  • Net Operating Income
  • Depreciation
  • Capitalization rate
  • Gross Rent and Gross Income Multipliers (GIM, GRM)"

"There will be an amortization chart on your desk, just know how to read it/use it"

"Study the 1-4 family contract, I remember a lot about does the buyer pay for this or that? Does the seller pay for this or that, or is it decided in the contract? Closing costs and procedures......."

"It is a lot to cover but as long as you study and get confident about it, you'll be fine."

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"Go to the TREC website to fill out the application- . Before or after you do the application, email your certificates of each class to education@trec.texas.gov. Include the receipt/certificate of the whole course, too just to be safe, if you have that."

"https://candidate.psiexams.com/  is the website you go to to schedule your exam. make sure you choose Real Estate Salesperson. There is also a downloable PDF study guide/brochure to help guide you through the exam studying process."

PDF Format Frequently Asked Questions

Since the PDF (e-book) format is by far the one most prefered by our students, we have compiled a list of questions and answers to help you decide whether to choose the e-book option,

Plus we have a compiled a list of easy step-by-step instructions not covered in the course material for you to use and refer back to during your courses. 

Frequently Asked Questions about Adobe's PDF 

Q: Can I download the textbooks to my computer or mobile device such as my IPad or IPhone & read offline?
A:  Yes

Q. How is PDF better than taking the courses "Online"?
A. Usually "Online" means real time. In other words, do you want to sit in front of the computer for 180 hours?.. ..over 4 work weeks!  

Q: Do I have to be connected to the Internet the whole time? 
A: No, You can download the materials to your desktop, laptop or ipad and after reading the material offline, you can login and take the quizzes online

Q. Are your quizzes online?
A. Yes but each course final exam must be proctored

Q. Can I start Immediately?
A. Yes No need to wait 1-2 weeks for textbooks to be mailed to you

Q. What are the main advantages of PDF?
A. Having the textbooks in downloadable PDF format makes it much more convenient; you can access them any time, anywhere on your computer, and do not have to be online to access them after the initial download.. Not all of our PDF courses are Printable

Q. Since I won't be getting textbooks, can I print out the info for future reference?
A: A PDF course allows you to download the materials in Adobe's PDF format. - (Not all of our courses are printable)"

Q. Once I start the courses, is there a quick reference guide i can save or print and refer to?
A. Yes. You can save to your computer

Q Can I take the State exam online?
A No, You can take our quizzes online, but the course exams must be proctored and the State test must be taken in person at one of the locations and times published by TREC. 

Q: How long do I have to complete the courses?
A: You have up to 180 days (6 months) to complete all the courses

Q: Can I download the textbooks to my computer or mobile device such as my IPad or IPhone & read offline?
A:  Yes

Texas Real Estate Courses Online